Sunday, 24 May 2009

Fishkeeping: maintaining a fish tank

The key to successful fish keeping is routine and regular maintenance.

Once established, your aquarium will require a minimum of time and effort to keep it looking attractive.

We can put the maintenance activities into three groups – things that we need to do every day, every week, and every 2-3 weeks.

On a daily basis w need to:
- check water temperature
- check fish numbers and behavior
- remove debris such as dead leaves
- check if all the equipment (filters, heaters etc.) are working
- feed fish

On a weekly basis:
- if necessary, partial water change
- prune plants

Every 2-3 weeks:
- partial water change (approx. 20-30%)
- clean filters
- clean tank
- remove algae from front of glass
- check if plants need thinning

When doing every thing right you should never have to do a full water change in your tank. Regular partial water changes are far more beneficial in ensuring that both fish and plants remain healthy. By changing all the water you kill the good bacteria that consume ammonia and nitrites.

The water you use for refills should be treated with dechlorinator or at least left in a bucket for a day.

Always remember to turn all the electrical equipment before putting your hands into the water. You would not to want to be electro shocked incase of some equipment failure.

Also remember to clean the filter sponges in old aquarium water only, and not in tap water as chlorine would destroy the beneficial bacteria in them.



  1. It looks like that this is very time-consuming hobby. Is all of this work is worth the effect?

  2. I wouldn't say it's so time consuming. If you are systematic it doesn't take big amounts of time. And sure it is worth it.

    Every day you need no more that 5 minutes to maintain a tank. Once a week it's maybe half an hour and once 2-3 weeks about an hour.

  3. krzysztof , I think it is worth it. its nice when fishes get to know that whenever you touch cove they are ready to eat :)

  4. s4091: I think every hobby is time consuming if you want to do something really good. I can often see my brother doing all this stuff. Ahhh, no thanks.

  5. Maintaining a fish tank can be time consuming if it isn’t done properly. If you follow the daily instructions, weekly instructions, and the 2-3 week instructions it will be easy to keep the fish tank running smoothly. If you don’t follow instructions properly this will affect the life of the fish and plants in the tank. Following the instructions will keep the tank clean, along with keeping everything looking nice. Staying on a regular cleaning schedule will keep everything running smoothly.

  6. having big aquarium with a fragment coral reef must be (and looks) very attractive, but i wonder does fish makes any sound?

  7. Nope they don't make any noise. The only sound you can hear is the filters going bzzzz and in some cases you can hear the water flow

  8. I can smell money here. Setting up a service that will visit client’s house and do all the fish tank maintenance for him can be a gold-mine ;)

    Andrzej: I could swear that I've heard fish singing, but maybe it was only my notebook's broken ac adapter...

  9. Hobby usually takes some time - if you really like your hobby you will always find some time to take care about it, no matter if it is a fish keeping, motorbikes, movie making or buying cloths for your pets;)

  10. Ok, I've got no comments for this presentation. Only thing, that comes in my mind is history of my girlfiends aquarium - she had about 40 small fishes and now there's only Silurus glanis left ;) And he's about 5 years old and he's keeping quite good actually :)

  11. OK I will tell a joke:

    The new married couple are having their first night in the bedroom. Suddenly, the man asks his wife.

    Man to wife on wedding night: "You sure I'm the first man you are sleeping with ?"
    Wife replied: " Of course honey, I stayed awake with all the others !"

    Thank you for your attention :)
