Modeling usually takes place before painting. It is step when you have to decide how to assembly your miniature, remove any leftovers from producing process and maybe add some extra bits to your miniature.
Most plastic miniatures comes in sprues like this one:
Before assembly all parts needs to be carefully cut off from frames. Then glue all parts together.
Next steps involve some extra preparations. I hope the following video will explain everything in detail.
Sometimes, you want to convert your miniature. Converting is rather advanced modeling technique that allows to make very exceptional and unique miniatures.
Here you can find some example which helps you to understand this process.
Painting is part of this hobby that brings me most joy. If I am able to I like to spend each weekend an hour or more to paint a miniature or two. I am not professional so I am astonished and amazed by some works presented at coolminiornot. I have a lot respect to people who by painting miniatures can earn enough money for living.
Golden Daemon
Golden Daemon is painting contest organized by Games Workshop. It takes place in many countries (including Poland since 2007). Golden Daemon has eleven main categories and two special ones. Each person can participate in one or more categories. First three places in each category are awarded with Golden Daemon statuette (gold, silver and bronze), moreover a person who wins most categories is also awarded with special Slayer Sword.
I do not want to present this time any “how to”, because there is plenty tutorials available on the web. Here is an example. Besides there is no one specific way hot to properly paint miniatures.
That is all. Thank you for reading.
painting the models has always been a pain for me. i do not seem very gifted when it comes to performing various kinds of art (music, painting etc).
ReplyDeletebut anyway it's great to see how other poeple do that.
Someone told me that you can go blind when painting such small figurines. Is that true?
ReplyDeleteIt looks similar to soldering something very small with solder to me.
ReplyDeleteI feel like i have to ask: do you like Clarkson's books?
Rafał: I do not know. I never heard about such case. In my opinion it depends. If you're not professional and you're not spending many hours a day painting it's rather hard to do any serious damage to your eyes.
ReplyDeleteMagnifier will be helpful ;)
ReplyDelete…but seriously - I am also amazed by some works presented at
if somebody is doing it by himslef it means it is his passion. Its very nice to see sombody doing those beautiful things. I think that there shall be some kind of exhibitions for people whose day to day work is a rat race. You can show people how to slow down their lifestyle at least for the weekend. As I am concerned I dont even have time for my self and I have to stop working all the time.... this makes me crazy recently :(
ReplyDeleteWow this Khorne Berzerker is awesome ;p
ReplyDeleteRafał: I don't think so ;p but who knows ;D
Ok, this is something for me.. If someone is able to spend hours to craft something so tiny I say wow.. I quess it requires a lot of patience, concentration and skills..Concerning the issue of going blind, I think this is rubbish, we can as well lose sight while other activities, computer and reading with insufficient light will also damn your eyes.
ReplyDeleteMy flatmate is one of the best figures painters in Warsaw. He has really impressive Orc's and Goblins army. He stopped playing about year ago now he just paints figures and sell them.