Generally each wargame falls into one of four categories: card wargaming, board wargamining, computer wargaming and miniature wargaming. As you already noticed I will focus on miniature wargaming, throughout my presentation.
How to play?
As I mentioned above, miniature wargaming is type of wargaming. The main difference between miniature wargames and other wargames is that miniature wargames involves the use of miniatures (usually 2 - 54mm tall, made of plastic or metal) to represent units rather than cards or tokens. Of course, that is not all. To play, you will also need some model scenery, playing surface (e.g. table or floor), dices, measure tools and maybe some markers. It depends on which miniature wargame you wish play. Further in this presentation I will try to cover some most popular miniature wargames.
Miniature wargames are more varied and flexible than other forms of wargaming. It is so, because rules enables not only recreate some particular historical events, but also to play custom scenarios or campaigns and customize armies.
Preparation for (first) game is very labour-intensive and costly undertaking. First of all, to build an army, you needs some miniatures. It’s really various, but I can safely assume that typical costs around few hundreds zlotys. Then you need to paint your miniatures and to do so, you have to buy paints, brushers, modeling knives etc., and spend another few hundreds zlotys. Bear in mind that it is simply impossible to paint whole army in one afternoon. If you are busy person it would probably take a month or longer period of time. Next thing is playing surface. Nowadays it is easy to obtain some prepared components or even buy whole game table. Last thing, the most important is an opponent worthy of your tactics skills. ;)
These are only essential and basic information. In next parts I will write more about wargames stories and modeling, painting and gaming.
Miniature wargames
The first (known to me) attempts to codify rules for miniature wargames are H.G. Wells books: Floor Games(1911) and Little Wars(1913). They were very simple games providing only some general thoughts, but sufficient to play and have fun. And having fun is all what it is all about.
Nowadays there is plenty of miniature wargames and many miniatures manufactures, but I am going to write only about few I know and like best.
Warhammer Fantasy Battle – First published in 1983 by Games Workshop, very successful, well known and still continued (7th edition) fantasy miniature wargame. What is worth notice is fact that first edition of Warhammer was subtitled a ‘massive combat role playing game’.
The WFB was also the first wargame I ever discovered; it was December of ’96.

Warhammer 40,000 - Younger cousin of WFB, first published in 1987 by Games Workshop. WH40K is sci-fi wargame of far future(yes, the number in title is not random). Some claim that WH40K is the most profitable miniature wargame ever released. Not matter if the statement is true, WH40K is extremely popular and has many fans.

BrikWars - interesting wargame, where every game piece (scenery, miniatures etc.) is made of LEGO. The BrikWars rules are freely available at

Flames of War - World War 2 based wargame, published by Battlefront. Each miniature represents exactly one solider and game rules enable to realistic simulation of combat.

War of the Ring - Newest Games Workshop game released this year few days ago. The main aim of this game is to recreate all great battles of Middle-earth and make easy to play large battles where each player commands at least fifty miniatures.

Have you heard about wargaming? What is your attitude? Is that great opportunity to have fun or another way to waste money?
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ReplyDeleteThat's a really great hobby. The only downside is amount of time it consumes.. and money. AFAIK all the models are imported to Poland and thus the prices are more apriopriate for citizens of other (western) countries.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, my personal favourite is Warhammer Fantasy Battle (especially the Skaven race), but WH40K models look much better.
When I was younger I used to play Warzone (you didn't mention it in your post). It was based on the Doomtrooper card game, but know this wargame system is dead afaik.
Surely this is not a waste of money. Only through such a hobby, people are beginning to interest in tactics, strategy, planning. I know many people who have discovered the ability of the arts because they began to modify and paint figures. Growth in only one direction is almost impossible.
ReplyDeletes4140: Well, I have not mentioned many great wargames like: Chronopia, Warmachine, Hordes, Battlefleet Gothic, Epic, Mordheim and others.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, you are right. Both Chronopia and Warzone (published by Target Games?) are no longer supported and its miniatures no longer produced.
I’ve heard about Warhammer 40k, my friend was into it. For me miniature war gaming is not so interesting, but if for someone is, it’s a good idea for a hobby.
ReplyDeleteI've never try to play in miniature war games but in my opinion it could be very interesting hobby - especially the fact that you have to prepare figures and space to play by your self that can give a huge satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteAnyway - any hobby makes people more interesting and allows developing abilities and skills.
I've visited one of these kind of shops last week. I was looking for a board game to play with my friends. This shop has also a play room, that time there was some kind of tournament. It was really amazing to see people so deeply involved in this game. You can win there a lot of money :)
ReplyDeleteI do not understand how a lot of people can spend so much time on playing games.. I used to play from time to time.. I am even playing from time to time in GTA, but still I think that there are so much better hobbies for all those people spending their time playing . I know that these are different kind of games, but here in my opinion people playing are spending the same time but not before monitor, but in same dark room.. For me it is crazy :)
ReplyDeleteSzymon: Did you try to roll a die in dark room ;p ?
ReplyDeleteI have played MTG through 7th, 8th and 9th edition. For me it wasn't waste of time and money. Time and money is worthless if you don't use it :D.
who want to buy magic cards from 7th, 8th and 9th edition ;p
I have never played complicated and time consuming wargames such as Warhammer 40,000. But sometimes I gather with a few friends, a few beers a shisha and play something less complicated and less time consuming, such as "Risk" - it only takes an hour or two.
ReplyDeleteI can see these games have some numerous advantages. Not only can you play and entertain yourself, but also you exercise your brain, learn logical and strategic thinking plus the whole painting-preparation-collection staff. I quess it also requires patience, if it takes so much time. I haven’t myself, ever got involved in it, but I know some people, who have and I admire their dedication to it. However, the game does not attract me personally that much.
ReplyDeleteIn the beginning there was a constant war on many battlefield between many armies. War without purpose, 'cause purpose was not invented yet. But then came Dave Arneson and said 'From now on you will control one person, not whole armies. You decide everything he or she does.' It was then when people discovered that role-playing games are more fun then wargaming. ;)
ReplyDeleteI played MTG and game called Tron. In High school I had few figures from Orc army but I never used them in real battle ;] I just painted them and put on my desk next tomy computer. I always liked the way this little figures look after painting.
ReplyDeleteLike everybody, I must say - great hobby BUT. Time & money are needed. I played few times Warhammer 40 000 and I must say it's awesome - especially hand painted figures of tanks and spaceships.