Saturday, 21 March 2009

Food as medicine - part 1

"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.)

Hippocrates laid down the foundations for modern medicine. He believed the human body had an innate capacoty for self-healing. His 'Hippocratic Oath' is still recited by medical doctors today. Since Hippocrates' time however our approach to treating illness has changed... Today's doctors receive little, if any, training in nutrition. Modern medicine resolves around 'a pill for every ill'. And thet's the way the sickness industry wants to keep it.

Heart disease and cancer are the top two killers in the US annually. Additionally each year 39,000 people die due to unnecessary surgery and other errors in hospitals, 80,000 people die due to other infections in hospitals and a staggering 106,000 people die due to adverse drug reactions.

1. Heart disease 652,486 deaths
2. Cancer 553,888 deaths
3. Modern medicine 225,000 deaths

Everyone in the world, in all cultures in each country knows it - you are what you eat.

How old is your food? If you think about it: your food, at best, overcomes the distance 2500-3000 km before you buy it and have at least a week. Therefore, this raises a further question: how much nutritional value is in food, which is at least 5 days old? With a little luck it may be 40% of what you need. Almost all the food we can buy in large stores of big cities is processed. Often nutrients are broken or disappear already, before the food hits the plate.

It seems that the solution of all problems with food is to use pesticides, herbicides etc. or genetic modifications. But one of the main problems is the soil, what we do with soil, air, water and everything that we take in our food. The soil is used and the nutrients are draw out the soil, making the desert. This happens all over the world. We must pay attention to our agricultural system, what we eat and how we producing food. The so-called fertilizer is made up of three minerals: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The problem is that soil needs about 52 different minerals: calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, etc. When the soil is poor, the plants are weakened and poor. They lose their defences. The bugs and diseases attacks them. Farmers turn to chemical companies that sell them willingly pesticides etc.

Research shows that even when lightly cook food, you lose it in the enzymes. The food is full of live enzymes that help in digestion and utilization of acquired components. Raw food should be part of any diet. When you cook the food the immune system reacts to them as toxins. Most people do not know about it. The blood passes into the digestive leukocytosis, which activates white blood cells against eaten cooked food. Probably because the process of cooking distort the structure of food in such a way that the body does not recognize it and treat it as a toxin. Former Swiss Doctor Paul Kouchakoff, who first showed in the 30', that if your diet consists of more than 51% of cooked food, the body reacts to them as if they were attacked by a foreign organism. Kouchakoff first showed that if the diet is made up of over 51% raw food, it does not occur leukocytosis, which means that there will be the reaction of white blood cells. Immune system will therefore not be activated by a false alarm. As currently facing so many problems with the immune system, we should ensure that at least 51% of each meal was raw, we do not have to overtax the immune system.

Some plants have very large amounts of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other components, for example:

A) Spirulina - mainly consumed in Mexico as the main source of protein (highest protein content in the world).
B) Cocoa - contain a high level of flavonoids, the largest natural source of iron, the world's best source of magnesium, chromium, manganese, zinc, copper and vitamin C, however none chocolate contains it, because the high temperature in the production destroys it; contains a high dose of antioxidants.

Over the last century, the vitamins have become readily available. Most people still do not know how they are important. Taking the appropriate dose can prevent chronic diseases, taking a sufficiently large, you can cure the disease. Often we hear in the news, that you should not take them too much, but do not have any evidence. Over the past 23 years, according to the American Institute of Toxicology has been 10 cases of death caused by vitamins.

Doctors usually treat the diet as irrelevant. Less than 6% of graduating physicians in the USA receive any formal training in nutrition. 26% of patients going out of the hospitals are more malnourished than when hit there. The reason for which they went there, is 80-90% of the poor diet.

Frederick R. Klenner and William J. McCormick are the pioneers of the use of high doses of vitamin C. They heal diseases by high doses of vitamin C in 40'.

Linus Pauling first suggested that vitamin C may be effective for a cold. He said so on the basis of numerous studies, not conjecture. Pauling was Albert Einstein's colleague, and then several other well-known intellectuals. He received two Nobel prizes: Chemistry and Peace. He was a brilliant man. The problem was that he immersed in clinical medicine without certification. He was therefore very vulnerable to criticism. His suggestion that vitamin C can cure a cold has been ridiculed by the medical world.

The main problem is the nutrients that one component works on too many illness, for example:

1) Vitamin E: good for heart disease, healing burns, epilepsy.
2) Vitamin C: anti-toxin, anti-histamine, anti-viral, blood sugar regulation, mood elevator.

The reason for which a vitamin can cure so many diseases is that the lack of one vitamin can cause so many diseases. This is just a few nutrients, but in the body is many thousands of chemical reactions. In an obvious way, we can expect that a vitamin will participate in a variety of reactions. This also applies to minerals.
We have a concept of one medicine for one disease, an old medical concept that does not comply with the dietitian. You can not cure selectively.



  1. Wow, I didn't realize that processed (cooked) food triggers my body's immunology reactions.

    Anyway, I myself pay really big attention to what I eat as my personal diet is very specific - i am a vegetarian. So as my diet is limited i have to make sure it's still complete.

  2. as my opinion is concerned it is very important to keep the diet. I do not mean diet as real diet. I was eating everything that is you know not so healthy for example pizza's haburgers etc a lot. Once my friend told me try to leave this lifestyle at least for a week and eat some more vegetables, fruits diffrent kind of bread etc , I tried. After a week it was amazing, I didnt have problem with waking up, I had more enerygy than usually. I know that to keep diet is to support your body with all type of vitamins and this is difficult. If you are not desperate to do it it is very difficult.

  3. If you have limited amount of time and you want to eat something for example during your lunch break, it's very difficult to find a restaurant or bar with healthy food. And, if you want it or not, you support non-healthy dinners.

  4. I also didn't realize that cooked food is treat as a toxin. You said that our diet should consists of less than 51% of cooked food but in what way? Weight, capacity or calorific value?

    Anyway, how do you want to get all those amounts of vitamins, minerals, enzymes etc and get it fresh, and not overcomes such distance at the same time?

  5. It’s hard to have a healthy diet. Healthy, not processed food is less available and often more expensive. You have to know something about nutrition and it’s a deep topic. When you want to provide your organism a daily dose of required nutritional value, it means that you have to spend more time to find the appropriate food, pay more and always calculate if it’s enough.

  6. Life is too short to worry all the time about what you eat. My opinion: don't eat junk food, do a bit exercise and you'll be good...

  7. And that is idea with which I can agree :)

  8. s4091 - Krzysztof Paprota: Paul Kouchakoff based its research on the weight of food. Is it true or not, I really don't know. I tried to find any further informations about that research, but it seems that it is not interesting subject for scientists :) The other case - maybe your own garden? :) I just picked a topic and tried to present it in the most interesting way I could. Hope you like it :)

  9. “… cooked food is treat as a toxin.” Well, to be honest, in first place that sounds pretty weird. Doesn’t it depend on how exactly is food cooked? I am paying a lot attention to what I eat and my personal experiences are completely different… Well, I do not know. I need to think about it.
    In my opinion, the most troubling is fact, that food is “poisoned” before it reach our kitchen and table. Modern methods of food preservation and preparation are very dangerous for our health.

  10. Movie about food transport was very intriguing for me. I did not know that so much energy is needed to transport some vegetables form producer to my table.. It is amazing how long way it has to travel before it take a place on shop shelf..

  11. The worst think is that we can't be sure if the food that we can buy in polish supermarkets do not consist pesticides, herbicides and if they are not genetic modified. In US you can choose if U buy anything from Walmart or from Whole Food but in Poland this kind of selection is still nearly impossible.
    On the other hand we can buy some fruits and vegetables from small marketplaces and be sure (especially in summer season) that they are from domestic, organic plantations.

    Anyway, who is dreaming about fresh polish strawberries with sour cream and sugar...? They coming soon!!!

  12. In my opinion you did a great job with this presentation, because it is always good to know, to be aware and I’m sure you put forward some facts that most of us didn’t realize about. However, I doubt that application of the tips is possible. Contaminated soil or processed food are just consequences of the rapidly developing world and its reality. Once people died of typhus or pneumonia, now we have some other civilization illnesess. It is good pay attention what you eat, but as someone said It would require so much money and time to eat only “pure” food that we wouldn’t manage to anything else.

  13. I agree with Jakub Milik - life's to short to worry all the time - running or cycling is great for our health. If we will practice it systematically it will be good ;]

  14. I think most important thing is to avoid highly processed food like ready-to-eat microwave dishes or instant soups. Nowadays there are many shops called "slow food" where you can buy natural products made without chemicals and taste improvers.
