Sunday, 14 June 2009

LEGO - Part III - Films & Games

Lego Company haven't forgotten about computer users and created over 30 games with minifigures. Most of theme are based on movies - like series of Lego Star Wars, where gamers can play as movie characters and in original story but..In Lego World:

Or Lego Indiana Jones:

But the most expected game is Lego Universe - first Lego World based MMORPG where you will be able to do anything with Lego bricks and minifigs:

Beside Lego Games there are also fun made movies. Like this Star Wars Episode I:

there are also music videos made from Lego - like this White Stripes clip:

Most movies are made like old fashion cartoons - with stop motion technique:

Of course there are computer animations clips, but they are rare and short.

What do you think about such productions?


  1. I prefer rather different kind of spending my free time. I will leave this kind of amusement for my children.

  2. This is to much! I hate all of this lego movies and games. As Kniaz wrote it is something for children.
